Double Jersey Open Width Machine,Cams of Circular knitting machine,aluminum yarn feeder ,4 track cam box, rolling take down system,
Weaving materials are widely used in cotton yarn, TC, polyester, nylon, etc. Cams of Double Jersey Open Width circular knitting machine, Which improved according to different raw materials.
Circular knitting machine has two type take down system:
–Rolling take down system
–Folding take down system
Double Jersey Open Width Circular Knitting Machine can knit french double pique\fusing jersey fleece\fancy pique design.
Our market have Taiwan Trading Company, Ten ASEAN Countries (Indonesia, Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia), South America (Peru, Colombia, Mexico, Argentina, Chile, Ecuador, Venezuela, Brazil), Europe (Germany, Spain, France, United Kingdom, Italy, Turkey), Central Asia (Uzbekistan, Tajikistan), Russia, South Asia (Bangladesh, India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka), Africa (Egypt, Ethiopia, Morocco, Algeria), Middle East (Iran, Syria, UAE).
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